Start in 2016, Finished in a week
- iOS app
- Embedded with Google Adsense (bar ad, fullscreen ad)
- a pokemon go radar
- fast grow application and ranked high in local area
App Store Details
=== 香港專用 Hong Kong only.===
香港版 PokeHound
唔使盲摸摸 攞住個羅庚 去到邊捉到邊
v1.5.0 歡迎留言 我地聽到 我地會改善 多謝支持 更新顯示介面 小bug 改善 親切既香港名 改善閃退
v1.4.3 更新顯示多番啲精靈 [多謝USER:YYY 提供意見 ] 小bug 改善
v1.4.2 更新支援iOS 8
— DISCLAIMER — The app is a fan/support app for Pokemon GO. It is not associated, affiliated, endorsed, sponsored orapproved by any Official Parties and does not have the rights or ownership to any trademark material. If there isany infringement please contact us on and we will remove it IMMEDIATELY.